
Similar to the Fit4Life program, Fit4Youth is a couch to 5km program designed for people between 15 years and 20 years to gain and maintain a level of fitness while enjoying the social aspect among people of their own ages. It was launched in January 2015 and currently has only a small amount of participants but it is expected that this group will rapidly expand over the next twelve months.

Training also takes place twice weekly at the same time as the fit4life group but stay in their own grouping during sessions. The same goals and targets are set by this group as the fit4life group and the final 5km run sees the groups mix together. However, the Fit4Youth group also introduces the members to areas of Track and Field to demonstrate the many disciplines on offer in the sport of Athletics. It is hoped that if any of the member’s desire they can take a discipline to the next level of participation.