Lusk AC to host a Cardiac Screening day with AMS*

advert-jan-2016-Lusk-Athletic-ClubLusk AC takes the health and well being of our members and indeed the whole community very seriously. Therefore we have organised a Cardiac Screening day on Saturday 5th March in Lusk National School.

The screening is available to all in our community aged 12+ and not just club members. The clinic will be open from 9.30am-5pm. Each screening will take 20-25 minutes.

Why should you or your family undergo a Cardiac Screening?

  • Up to 100 young people die each year in Ireland from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)
  • 1 in 300 people may have a cardiac abnormality
  • The national register recently reported that the incidents of SADS are higher in Ireland than many other European countries
  • In Italy cardiac screening is mandatory for anyone aged 12 to 35 years involved in competitive sport for the past 25 years. They have reduced the incidents of SADS by 89%
  • The GAA’s Medical Scientific and Welfare Committee and the International Rugby Board recommend cardiac screening for all players over the age of 14 years
  • The European Society of Cardiology & the International Olympic Committee recommends cardiac screening
  • Heartaid’s service is based on the recommendations of the above named organisations.

If you are interested in having yourself or your family screened please make a booking.

Bookings can be made online or over the phone (1890 300 333).

Go to Click on the ‘Online Booking’ and enter the clinic code LUSK.


Anyone with LAYA is FREE but must make a booking too. Everyone else must pay the €65 fee which is tax deductible. Anyone with other health insurance may be able to claim a % back at the end of the year.


*AMS (formerly known as Heartaid) provide an on-site Doctor-led Cardiac Screening service to clubs, schools & companies nationwide. Their service is ultimately aimed at reducing the incidents of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) in Ireland and promoting a healthy lifestyle.