Plyometric exercises

Below is the Plyometric exercises from Thursdays session. You can also download it here

Exercise Explanation Do Sec. Rest Sec.s Reps Min. apx
Jogging & Skipping Jog. Low level skip, swinging arms forward and back. High knee skip. 60 30 1 2
Foot taps Not on toes, on the ball of the foot – Like a skipping rope. Stay tall. 20 20 2 6
Quick feet/Sprinting On the spot 10 10 3 4
Skip over ankles On the spot or moving –Keep Dorsal flex. i.e point the toe to your head. 20 20 2 8
Skip over calves On the spot or moving. Stay tall. 20 20 2 10
High Knees On the spot or moving 10 20 2 12
Karaoke Run sideways, twisting arms and legs in opposite directions. 20 20 1 15
Ankle Jumps Feet together. Jump though hips. Knees straight, arms tight but relaxed. 10 20 2 16
Tuck jumps Bring knees up as high as possible to the front. 10 30 1 17
Heel to butt Keep Dorsal flex. Stay tall. Try to kick your butt. 10 20 2 19
One legged side to side Keep shape, keep tall. Jump from one leg to another. 10 30 1 20
Jumping Jacks Clap to make it harder. 20 20 2 24
X-Jumps. Like jumping jacks except forward and back rather than side. 10 30 1 25
Squat jumps Hold a goblet. Drop down keeping knees over toes and drive up high. 10 30 1 26
Pass and shoot Like basket ball. Reach to the side and then jump – Do each side. 20 20 4 28
Lunge jumps Lunge and then jump up. 10 30 1 29
Burpees   10 30 1 32
Box/Bench Jumps Up and Down. Keep dorsal flex. Land on ball of foot and drive up. 10 30 2 33
Skater jumps Jump from leg to leg as if you were a skater on ice. 10 30 1 34
Ski jumps Jump with both legs like as if you were skiing. 10 30 1 35
Mountain climbers From plank, bring same side knee to elbow, or opposite elbow. 10 30 2 37
Plant tucks From plank, jump and bring knees to elbows 10 30 2 39
Push offs the wall Like press-ups – Build in a clap 20 20 1 40
Fast arms Standing then sitting 20 20 2 42
Bounding for height Land on front of foot. No heel to ground. Drive off. 5 jumps.     3 44
Bounding for distance As above. 5 jumps in succession and jog out of it.     3 46